Blog May 21, 2019

Looking Back, Moving Forward: The Evolution of Maropost for Marketing

In today’s constantly changing world, if you’re not moving forward, you’re moving backward.  

Consumer expectations change dramatically and constantly, and so must the tools marketers use to power their engagement strategies. 

In order to influence behavior, marketers today are tasked with delivering the right information to the right person at exactly the right time and with so many messages vying for attention, segmentation alone just isn’t enough. Successful engagement strategies are personal and precise throughout the customer lifecycle.   

To that end, we’ve made incredible strides in our platform over the past year, and we’re so excited to spotlight just a few of the many innovations we’ve launched within Maropost for Marketing over the past few months to help marketers simplify customer engagement.  

    • Send Time Optimization takes the guesswork out of determining the best time to send emails. Jump ahead
    • Acquisition Builder; a feature that helps convert site visitors into contacts.  Jump ahead
    • Automated Social Campaign Management; set your social media campaigns on autopilot. Jump ahead
    • Event Segmentation for Mobile Apps; tracks user behavior in your mobile app and sends event-based engagements. Jump ahead
    • Coupon Banks; personalizes promotions while giving you control over how it’s used.  Jump ahead
  • Optimize on OpenAddition to Live Content that displays dynamic images for specific day and time. Jump ahead

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Key Features

Improve Your Email Open and Conversion Rates with Send Time Optimization

Send Time

Content might be king, but if an email is ignored, the content just doesn’t matter. Timing is super important when it comes to email, and everyone is different when it comes to opening and reading their mail. Too many marketers rely on educated guess in deciding when to push send.  

Powered by the Da Vinci artificial intelligence engine, Maropost’s Send Time Optimization functionality leverages historic customer engagement data to recommend the time for an email delivery.  Customers on Maropost Professional or Enterprise can set a campaign to be delivered to recipients at exactly the right day or time that they are most likely to engage.  

Watch this video to learn more.

Turn Site Visitors Into Subscribers with Acquisition Builder

Customers on Maropost Enterprise can effortlessly convert anonymous site visitors into contacts and customers — no development required.  

 Acquisition Builder is a simple yet powerful way to deploy acquisition forms to any page on your website. 

Acquisition Builder

The drag-and-drop editor creates lightboxes that appear as overlays on your designated page.    

Forms can appear on any page within your site, and whether a visitor is just clicking in, scrolling, or likely to leave, you can decide exactly when and where to make the form appear.    

Click here to learn more about Acquisition Builder.  

Or watch the video here.

Set Your Social Media Strategy on Autopilot with Automated Social Campaign Management

Automated Social Campaign Manager enables social media marketers using Maropost Professional or Enterprise to schedule and stream continuous social content.  

Rather than scheduling individual posts, the Automated Social Campaign Manager allows you to create a recurring cadence for ‘playlists’ or content categories of pre-crafted, evergreen content to be published to social accounts. 

Once all the content within a playlist has been posted at least once, the queue is automatically reshuffled, and the playlist restarts. You have full control over your cadence, too, with the ability to skip, pause, or manually-reorganize their playlists at anytime 

Learn more about Automated Social Campaign Management.

Segment Your Audience By Mobile App Activity

single customer view is critical to create a consistent, personalized experience for customers across every across every engagement channel.  

Mobile apps are more important than ever, and now, important in-app user activity can be integrated into Maropost for Marketing, allowing for sophisticated analytics, segmentations, and personalized messages, like:  

  • Tracking video or article views within a mobile app to gain insight on content that hit home 
  • Triggered messages or push notifications based on specific in-app actions, like a congratulatory message for completing an in-app level or challenge.  
  • Targeted re-engagement campaigns targeting segments of app users, like a message promoting a new release to readers who listened to a specific book in-app.  


Click here to learn more about Mobile App Event Tracking

Personalize Your Incentives – Unique Coupon Codes

Consumers love coupons and getting deals on their favorite brands and products, and merchants love converting their site visitors into buyers. What they don’t like is the limited control they have over how the coupons are used or offered.  

Maropost has changed that with Unique Coupon Codes. You now have the ability to control how and where coupons are being used, and track who your most loyal customers are. 

Once you’ve generated the coupon codes in your ecommerce platform, Maropost will dynamically insert each code into the body of your email.


Create deeper segmentation and give different discounts to your customers, using dynamic personalization to give you the right offer to the right customer.

This is available to all customers on Professional and Enterprise. 

Click here to learn more about Unique Coupon Codes

Create New Avenues for Interaction with Your Brand – Optimize on Open

Optimize Open

Time-sensitive content is a risk for marketers: depending on the audience, there’s a fine line between timely and outdated.  

Fear not! Maropost for Marketing’s Live Content feature has been expanded to include an Optimize on Open capabilities, enabling emails that display a different image, offer, or call to action depending on the date and time the email is viewed.       

Create a dynamic repository of images, and a different, clickable image will be selected to appear in an email in real-time. Imagine being able to create a sense of urgency with your time-sensitive offer.  

Click here to learn more about Optimize on Open.

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More than 10,000 marketers use Maropost to engage with their prospects and customers through emails, SMS, social media and more. We’re here to help you growing your business!

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