Deliverability and segmentation issues

The Challenge

Deliverability best practice and segmented list

Burn20 came to Maropost with half a million subscribers and a big problem: their deliverability numbers were dropping and no-one could figure out why.

Well, we figured out why. Leveraging our unique relationship with ISPs, Maropost’s deliverability team discovered that the primary issue was a matter of segmentation.

Burn20’s previous solution simply didn’t have the capabilities to segment such a large list. But with Maropost’s unparalleled insight into deliverability and industry-leading segmentation tool – no problem.

Here were Burn20’s goals:

  • Create a deliverability and segmentation strategy
  • Maximize deliverability numbers
  • Optimize performance rates (opens, clicks, conversions, and engagement)
  • Ensure that campaigns only go out to active subscribers
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“Maropost is a powerful system that has helped us send all our campaigns to the right people.”

Jeff Macher

CEO & Director of Marketing at Burn20 LLC

The Solution

12x mailing list growth and 2x open rates

A dedicated Director of Deliverabilty from Maropost worked closely with Burn20 to develop an extensive deliverability action plan within Burn20’s existing email strategy. A segmentation strategy was created and executed specifically for Burn20’s needs and audience.

Maropost’s Client Success team followed-up to develop a comprehensive tracking and reporting system – allowing Burn20 to see exactly how and why their numbers were increasing, and how to improve them even further.

  • Implementing deliverability best practices and advanced processes
  • Segmenting lists for active/inactive subscribers
  • Monitoring and optimizing deliverability and engagement rates
  • Harnessing Client Success and Deliverability teams for maximum insight

The Results

With the Maropost platform and team behind them, Burn20 was able to meet and exceed their original KPIs:

  • 27 segments created
    Maropost’s cutting edge segmentation tool provides the deepest insight and specificity in the industry.
  • 12x mailing list growth
    Maropost’s automated journeys mean that leads are constantly being nurtured and never lost.
  • 2x open rates
    Maropost’s segmentation and multi-variate testing options are the most powerful in the industry so you can be sure you’re sending the best version of your email every time – Burn20’s open rates went from 11% to over 21%!


Underpinned by the success and weight loss journey of founder and transformation coach Ingrid Macher, Burn20 is one of the most popular weight loss blogs in the world. Burn20 publishes a wide variety of fitness and lifestyle articles as well as success stories sent in by readers.